Specialty Food Retailer
We offer the following services for your Specialty Food Retail Store:
Demo programs
The best way to get to know our coffee is to taste it! We provide regular coffee demonstrations at your store to ensure that your customers really can taste the difference.
Staff Training
We are eager to share the story of our coffee with your staff. We will tell you why we love to drink our coffee and why we think your customers will, too.
Award-winning Point of Sale Material
Our shelf talkers, posters, labels, and other marketing materials are bold, playful, and a lot of fun. They will make your coffee display pop. We set the norm for in-store signage and displays. Others often follow suit when they see our displays installed.
Bagged or Bulk Coffee
We can provide our coffee in 12oz retail bags or in bulk so you can sell it however your customers want it. All our bags are labeled with the roast date to show freshness. We think of coffee like bread – fresh is best!
24/7 wholesale ordering application
With our secure online ordering system you can place orders at your convenience. It’s fast and user-friendly, we promise!
Private Label Coffee
We can work with you to develop an exclusive coffee blend for your shop.
Have a question about placing a wholesale order? Just wanna talk coffee? We’d love to hear from you! 877-653-JAVA(5282).